
The Kanaani cat is agile, playful, and athletic, as well as highly intelligent and affectionate. It is a slender breed that is very athletic and muscular.

California Spangled

California Spangled bred in order to produce a domestic pet that would resemble the appearance of wild cats, such as the leopard and the ocelot.

Belgian Shepadoodle

The Belgian Shepadoodle brings the intelligence of a Poodle together with the protective nature of the Belgian Shepherd - loving, loyal and smart.


The Labradane is a hybrid mix of the Labrador Retriever and Great Dane. His loving, social nature means he gets along well with kids and other dogs.


The Bloodhound has a personality that is among the best in the world of dogs and makes for a loyal house pet, a friendly companion, and a great friend.


Jackaranian designer dog is a mix of Pomeranian and Jack Russell Terrier. You might also know these dogs as Jack-A-Ranian, Pom Jack, Pom-a-Jack or Jack Pom.

Istrian Shorthaired Hound

The Istrian Shorthaired Hound is a hunting dog, not a household pet. This active working dog is a calm and even-tempered breed.


Chipaniel combines the quirky and goofy nature of the tiny Chihuahua, with the charming looks and the affectionate character of the Cocker Spaniel.


The Weimapeake is a cross between a purebred Chesapeake Bay Retriever and Weimaraner. They make fantastic family pets and prefer being around people.


The Saluki is an elegant, reserved and graceful breed of dog. The Saluki is an amazing athlete, a formidable hunter and a loyal companion.

Corgi Inu

Foxy, cute, and with a unique character, Corgi Inu will disarm you with their charm. This designer dog breed is a result of crossbreeding a Shiba Inu with a Welsh Corgi, either Pembroke or Cardigan variety.

Taigan Dog

The Taigan Dog is a type of sighthound that can achieve speeds up to 60 km/h. It is an intelligent, gentle and even-tempered breed.

Neon Tetra

The Neon tetra is an incredibly beautiful species of tropical freshwater aquarium fish. Neon tetras usually grow up to around 1.2 inches in length.

Doxie Pin

The Doxie Pin is a mixed breed dog whose parents are Miniature Pinscher and the Dachshund- you can expect a few of both breed's traits in this designer dog.

Miniature Pinscher

The Miniature Pinscher is a feisty, friendly dog sometimes known as the "King of the Toy Dogs." Miniature Pinschers aren't ideal for large families.


Elegant and athletic, the active LaPerm is also an excellent lap cat with an affectionate, gregarious, and inquisitive nature. They make superb family pets.


The Longdog is s cross between a Greyhound, plus another sightseeing hound such as a Whippet, Scottish Deerhound and Saluki.

Himalayan Rabbit

The Himalayan rabbit is gentle and patient, making them the perfect pet for families with young children or seniors. Perfect size for little hands.

Drum Fish

There are several species of fish that carry the "drum" name. With more than 250 species, drum fish exhibit a wide range of colors and patterns.


The eager-to-please Labradinger is a cheerful blend of two working breed dogs; the friendly Labrador Retriever and the energetic English Springer Spaniel.


The combination of the delicate Papillon and the spunky Yorkshire Terrier results in this unique designer dog. The Yorkillon is sweet, cute, and friendly.


Seahorses are characterized by their equine appearance. Its upper body is shaped like the head of a horse and its lower body ends in an elongated tail.

American Pitbull Terrier

The American Pitbull Terrier often gets a bad rap for being an aggressive breed. In reality, this dog is a friendly, gentle-hearted breed you've met.

West Highland Doxie

The adorable West Highland Doxie has two purebred parents; the Dachshund and the West Highland White Terrier. Read on to find out about this designer dog!


The Beagle's unique identity is thanks to its easy-going and easy-to-get-along-with nature.For many people, a Beagle is a perfect addition to the home.

Serbian Hound

With his deep red coloration, the Serbian Hound is a beautiful breed that serves dual purposes as a talented pack hunter and a devoted family pet.


Grunts are a family of saltwater fish made up of 150 different sub-species, some of which have been successfully introduced to the aquarium hobby.

Shetland Sheepdog

Thought to be quick learners, willing to please, and obedient, the Shetland Sheepdog can also be somewhat timid and sensitive. Is this dog a fit for you?


Boasting loyalty and independence, the Azawakh does well in a family household, as well as a therapy dog in nursing homes and rehabilitation centers.


A Pugapoo - a mix of Pug and Poodle - is friendly and fun-loving dog. This hybrid breed responds well to training and get along well with children.


The Beaglier is a mix of Beagle and Cavalier King Charles Spaniel. These adorable pooches crave human attention and will be stuck to your side.


Boasting a love of water, children and people in general, the Newfoundland dog is one of the cuddliest things to come out of Canada, eh.


Gobies are one of the largest families of fish comprised of over 2000 separate species. Most species rarely grow more than a couple of inches in length.

Swedish Vallhund

The Swedish Vallhund is energetic and eager to make friends. This breed comes with 3 different types of tail: bobtail, a stub tail or a full curl tail.

Jack Chi

The Jack Chi is a cross between a purebred Chihuahua and Jack Russell Terrier. This designer breed is a fun-loving dog with a sweet personality.

Rhodesian Ridgeback

As well as a hunter, the Rhodesian Ridgeback is a fiercely protective guardian of its family. Even though it's protective, this dog is gentle with children


The Jagdterrier is known for its black-and-tan coloration as well as its work ethic and hunting skills, as well as its courage, energy, and intelligence.


Mixing the looks and personality traits of the Dalmatian and the Poodle, the Dalmadoodle is an intelligent, loyal, and wonderful companion.

Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasileiro is also known as the Brazilian Mastiff and, like all Mastiffs, it is a large breed dog. It's known for its tracking and guarding skills.

Berger Picard

The Berger Picard is considered to be France's oldest sheepdog. Like most breeds of sheepdog, they are lively, intelligent, vigilant and assertive.


Feisty, small, and cute, the Malchi will win you over with their friendly and fun personality. This dog breed is a mix between a Chihuahua and a Maltese.

Irish Red and White Setter

Athletic, strong, intelligent, affectionate, energetic, and loving, the Irish Red and White Setter is great with children and other pets.

Golden Dox

The spirited Golden Dox brings together the feisty little Dachshund and the friendly Golden Retriever for a playful family dog.


The Utonagan breed was specifically developed to look like a wolf. Despite their wild appearance, Utonagan dogs make wonderful companions and family pets.


You may know it as the "Weiner Dog," but its actual breed name is Dachshund. There are 3 types of Dachshunds: long-haired, wired-haired and short-haired.


The Yorktese is a cross between a purebred Yorkshire Terrier and Maltese. This dog is popular because it is affectionate, friendly, loyal, and clever.

Skookum Cat

Thanks to its short stature, endearing personality, and curly fur, the Skookum cat is playfully referred to as the Shirley Temple of the feline world.


The Jatese, or the Maltichin, brings together two companion breeds into one cute package- the Maltese and the Japanese Chin.

Neapolitan Mastiff

Although not aggressive by nature, the Neapolitan Mastiff has the look that will scare off any intruder. This breed is truly a gentle giant and gentleman.


With his solid black coat, athletic build, and bright temperament, the Groenendael (Belgian Sheepdog) sets himself apart from other breeds.

Blue Lacy

The Blue Lacy is an intelligent and inquisitive breed with a rich character that is marked by obedience, protectiveness, and devotion to the task.

Turkish Van

Curious and intelligent by nature, the Turkish Van is an adventurous and entertaining companion. Unlike many cats, they love water, and will even swim.

Polish Lowland Sheepdog

The shaggy Polish Lowland Sheepdog (or PON as it's known in the United States) is native to Poland and was bred as a specialist sheep herder.

New Guinea Singing Dog

Named for its unique form of vocalization, the New Guinea Singing Dog is able to vary the pitch of their howl in combination with various yips and whines.


The bold little Pushon is a playful combination of the happy, friendly Pug and the gentle, sensitive Bichon Frise for a wonderful lapdog.

Boykin Spaniel

A medium sized dog, the Boykin Spaniel has made its way from a waterfowl retrieving breed to a faithful companion that fits into a number of households.

Croatian Sheepdog

Though the Croatian Sheepdog was bred for herding, these dogs are also extremely healthy and can be trained for a variety of dog sports.


A mix of Poodle and Chihuahua, the Chipoo is an energetic, friendly pup, who makes a great companion dog and loves to be part of a family environment.

Ojos Azules Cat

The most distinctive feature of the Ojos Azules cat has to been its deep blue eyes. These cats come in many coat colors and do well with families and pets.


Flagfish are a small fish that are semi-aggressive in nature. These fish may not do well if multiple males of the same species are kept together.