General Dog Health

Open wide and say woof! Our General Dog Health section covers a variety of concerns, questions, products, and topics that help you stay informed when it comes to your pooch’s well-being. Learn more about how you can make your four-legged family member feel their best, both mentally and physically.

Dog’s physical condition is not the only indicator of their health. What makes a dog healthy and happy is a complex topic that includes many aspects of their lifestyle, and in’s General Dog Health blog, we try to give you the complete overview of all those important facets.

Worried about your dog’s health issue? Read our articles on dog illnesses and medical conditions such as cherry eyes, allergies, gingivitis, and more. Wondering what goes on in that cute head of theirs? Take a look at eye-opening articles on empathy in dogs or emotions dogs can experience. We also cover how dogs influence our health, so make sure to check out our articles on how dogs make us happier and improve our lives.

For those of you who love reading interesting facts, quirks, and curiosities about dog’s health, you’re in the right place. Discover the real truth about doggie pheromones and canine plastic surgery, find out what is hybrid vigor and double merle dog, and if vaping and second-hand smoke really have an impact on your pooch’s health. Always wanted to know where healthiest dogs live or if tail docking has any benefits? Stay up to date with latest findings and studies that concern dog health!

A wholesome lifestyle helps your pup have optimal health. Our guides and articles help you learn all the essentials needed for a dog’s well-being and provide your dog with the best care possible. And don’t be shy – if you have a question about General Dog Health, please feel free to ask us.

Why Bad Dog Breath Is A Big Problem

What have you been eating? If your dog's breath smells like a dump (garbage or otherwise), there may be some health issues causing it.

5 Ways Probiotics Can Help Your Dog

You take probiotics to help your digestion - but did you know that your pooch could take them, too? Here are a few reasons to give your dog probiotics.

Is a Dog’s Mouth Really Cleaner Than a Human’s?

You've seen the things that have gone into your dog's mouth - that's why it's hard to believe that a dog's mouth is really cleaner than a human's mouth.

Common Myths About Spaying And Neutering Your Dog

As a responsible pet parent, you'll be faced with whether or not you will spay or neuter your dog. Let's look at common myths about spaying and neutering.

New Home DNA Tests for Dogs Can Reveal Inherited Diseases

Is your pooch at risk of hereditary diseases? With Orivet's new health screening kits, you'll won't have to wonder ever again.

Seasonal Allergies Bring Scratches and Sniffles in Our Pets

Pets can react to seasonal allergies. Unusually warmer temperatures this season mean more allergic reactions, and experts offer professional suggestions.

Why Does My Dog Keep Licking His Paws?

Is he cleaning? Are they itchy? Why does your dog keep licking his paws? If you're looking to curtail this habit, get to the root of the issue.

Best Dog Cones

Your dog's recovery period doesn't have to be more stressful than it already is- take a look at our top 10 list of best dog cones to find the ideal model.

What’s The Difference Between Fleas and Ticks?

Sure, fleas and ticks are little pains in the butt, but did you know that there are differences between the two? Know what youre up against this spring.

Tips On Making Your Home Comfortable For Your Senior Dog

Your dog deserves a comfortable retirement – here’s how to make it golden He’s been by your side for a long time. Even though he’s no…

Tips to Handle a Poison Emergency

You've got an emergency on your hands - you need to think fast. What do you do? Keep these tips around in case you have a poison emergency.

How to Perform a DIY Physical Exam on Your Dog

You know your dog better than anyone. Employ a hands-on approach when it comes to your dog's health in between regular veterinarian appointments.

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Have you noticed your pooch sneakily snacking on grass? Here's why your lawn clippings suddenly seem as appetizing as kibble.

Tricks of the Trade: Fear-Free Veterinary Strategies

A trip to the vet? No thank you! If your dog hates going to see the veterinarian, there are things you can do to ensure a less stressful visit.

Combat Dog Dental Disease With Help From Loving Pets and The Missing L

Canine dental health problems? With help from Loving Pets and The Missing Link, we can keep our pooch's teeth pearly white.

The Shocking Truth About Dogs and Garlic

There is a lot of controversy surrounding dogs and garlic on the Internet. Thanks to the research efforts of experts, many believe garlic is good for dogs.

Take The Itch Out Of These Common Dog Allergies

Let's go over the most common dog allergies you'll come across, what kind of symptoms you can expect to see and what you can do about them.

Food Allergies in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, & Treatments

Food allergies are common in dogs. Do you think your dog is allergic to a certain food? We talk about what you should watch for and how to treat them.

Do Dogs Get Stressed at Christmas?

Many people find that the holiday season is a crazy and stressful time. From family gatherings and work Christmas parties to holiday shopping and entertaining – it feels like we’re always on the go. But what about our dogs? Do dogs get stressed at Christmas?

Do I Have A Fat Dog? How To Tell If Your Dog Is Overweight

Does my butt look big in this collar? Here are a few tips to deal with a fat dog. Dogs are known for being voracious eaters – no matter how well you fe…

The Dangers of Pets Eating Protective Face Masks

It's protecting you (and other people) from Covid, but to your dog, it's a chew toy. Here's why you've got to keep your mask away from your dog.

Warning: The Deadly Dangers of Antifreeze Poisoning in Dogs

Winter can come with many unpleasant surprises - including antifreeze poisoning in dogs. Recognizing the symptoms is key to saving your pet's life.

Is Ice Water Really Dangerous for Dogs?

Ice water for dogs? Is that even safe for them? Let’s separate fact from fiction and get to the cold, ice hard truth!You probably already know that there are…

Spicy Topic: Can Dogs Eat Cinnamon?

Pooches love the taste of cinnamon... but is it safe? Can dogs eat cinnamon or not? Find out if you should be including it in your dog's diet.

Do French Bulldogs Tolerate Heat Well?

Because of their face shape, French Bulldogs are susceptible to heatstroke and overheating, which can be life-threatening. Here are some main rules to stick to in the summer if you have a Frenchie pet.

What’s All the Controversy Around Hybrid Vigor in Dogs?

From breeders to pet parents, it seems like everyone has an opinion about hybrid vigor. But what is it and is it a good or bad thing?

How Pets Help With Depression

Depression is a terrible illness that can affect anyone at any time of their life. If you suffer from depression, here's why you should turn to your pet for some TLC.

What Causes Hair Loss In Dogs?

Hair loss in dogs can't be covered up by a bad Trump-esque toupee. Those bald patches and spots could signal the start of something serious.

5 Benefits of Playing With Your Dog

Did you need a reason to play with your dog? We have 5 great benefits why you should play fetch with Fido.

Wheelchairs For Dogs: How To Know If Your Dog Needs One

Your pet can gain their mobility back with a wheelchair for dogs- here are the cases that require the help of mobility aid for a better quality of life.

All About Poison Ivy in Dogs

Poison ivy can be much more than just a pain to your pooch. Here's what you should know about poison ivy in dogs and what to do if your dog comes in contact with it.

Everything You Need to Know About Ear Mites in Dogs

Just as nasty as ticks and fleas, ear mites can cause just as many problems for your dog. Know what to watch for and how to get rid of ear mites in dogs.

Be Part of the 10,000 Dog Aging Project To Study Why Smaller Dogs Live

Have you ever wondered why small dogs live longer than large dogs? That's the catalyst behind the 10,000 Dog Aging Project.

8 Tips To Improve Your Dog’s Dental Health

Dogs deserve pearly white teeth, so make sure they have a healthy smile You want to keep your dog smiling… and proper dental care is an important fact…

Common Periodontal Disease In Dogs

Dog dental health: Pet parents need to know the basics about common periodontal disease in dogs including their causes, symptoms, and treatment options.

Study: Exposure to Cats Can Reduce Childhood Asthma Rates

Another reason to get a cat! New research suggests that a cat in the house around newborns can help prevent children from developing asthma.

The Buzz About How Mosquitoes Can Sabotage Your Dog’s Health

Mosquitoes are pests – not just to humans, but to dogs as well. But did your know that a bite from this insect can cause more than just an itchy annoya…

Fever in Dogs: Symptoms, Causes, and Treatment

Fever is a concern when it happens - and our dogs can even get one. Before you panic, read on to know what you should know about fever in dogs.

What Information Does Your Dog’s New Veterinarian Need?

If you want to make sure your first trip to a new vet goes smoothly, you'll need to update the doc on all your dog's vital stats and background.

Know Your Enemy: Most Common Types of Dog Fleas

‘Tis the season for those nasty little pests to come out of hiding and irritate you and your pet. Be on the lookout for these common types of dog fleas.

Experts Say Pet Obesity On the Rise- 8th Year in a Row

Nationwide statistics revealed a worrying trend: the number of overweight pets has been on a constant rise for the last 8 years.

What Emotions Do Dogs Actually Experience?

Naked feelings of love, fairness and jealousy of our loyal companions Any long-time dog lover will be able tell you that their dog has feelings. But is there…

5 Stress-Free Ways To Deal With Dog Separation Anxiety

Dog separation anxiety is a common condition in canines. It affects dogs of all ages and breeds and can cause serious distress and injury to your pooch.

Unleash The Hero In Your Dog By Donating Canine Blood

Did you know that your dog can donate blood? It’s true! Here’s why letting your dog donate blood can save the lives of countless pets. Its summer…

Is My Dog Drinking Enough Water?

Slurp, slurp! Keeping hydrated is important - and that goes for dogs. Are you sure your dog is drinking enough water?

6 Best Pet Releaf Products For Your Pets

Pet Releaf products are amazing–they activate our pets’ Endocannabinoid Systems and lets our pets’ brains get full body relief wherever they need it. That’s important. That’s vital. They deserve and demand our attention. Here are the six best Pet Releaf Products you’ll want to know about for your pets. These could all dramatically improve your pet’s life.

99 Lives Project Uses Cat Genome Sequencing To Shed Light On Human Dis

University of Missouri researchers believe that the genetic makeup of cats may help identify new treatments for humans suffering from allergies, asthma, diab…

Study: America’s Healthiest Pets Live in Montana, Colorado, and Sout's ThinkTank looked at pet care and health in the United States -- Montana, Colorado and Nebraska are the top three states with the healthiest pets.

6 Things You Can Do to Keep Your Dog’s Heart Healthy

If you thought that keeping your dog “heart healthy” was simply down to controlling his weight and getting in some exercise, you’d only be partially right.

What Is Cherry Eye In Dogs?

I spy with my little eye something that looks red and swollen! Let's go over some important facts about cherry eye in dogs and how to fix it.

Talking About Tartar Buildup On Dog’s Teeth

Ick! It’s gross, but you can’t hide from it – tartar buildup on your dog’s teeth can be a serious issue It’s not pretty but we&…

How Water is Important for a Dog’s Digestive Health

It's more than just a matter of thirst. Water also plays an important role in a dog's digestive health. Here's how it helps keep things moving.

Why Does My Dog Have a Runny Nose?

Does your dog have a runny nose? Although it's not usually a serious issue, you should know why this can happen.

Top 10 Daily Toxins That Can Harm Your Dog

Your pet is a living being that can succumb to toxins in the environment we don't even think about. Here's what they are and how to get rid of them.

Breast Cancer in Pets: Causes and Treatments

I discovered the lump while playing with my newly adopted feline, Maude. A much-enjoyed belly rub was how I first felt the mass and because I had been through i…

What is a Double Merle Dog?

You've probably heard of a merle coat... but what about a double merle dog? This unusual coat coloring can bring with it a potential list of health problems.

8 Scratchy Tips About Ticks

In order to defeat your enemy, you must know your enemy. And for your dog, that means you need to be an expert about all things tick related.

How Long Can You Leave a Dog Alone?

Whether you've got errands to run or you've got to go to work, there are some places your dog can't go. But how long can you leave a dog alone at home for?

Canine Malocclusion: Dogs With Underbites

Dogs with underbites have a certain look - it gives them a stern yet adorable demeanor. Known as canine malocclusion, here's what you need to know.

Pets Are Getting Heavier With Each Year- And It’s Damaging Their Hea

Over half of all cats and dogs in the United States are overweight, and as a result, many preventable health issues are becoming more common for pets,