How To Read A Cat Food Label

If cat food labels look all Greek to you, we’ll translate what it all means Any good holistic veterinarian or pet nutritionist will tell you that your…

Benefits of Deciphering Your Cat’s Personality

It's true - every cat has a distinct personality. And by deciphering your feline's personality, you be able to bond even closer to your kitty.

4 Ways You’re Annoying Your Cat

It's not a smart idea to piss off a pet that has no problem showing you her claws! Here are four ways you're annoying your cat.

Cunning Cat Infiltrates Airport’s Canine Therapy Program [Video]

Watch out, airport canine therapy dogs. There's a new cat in town, and she's flying high by joining the Canine Airport Therapy Squad!

A Brief Guide to Feline Calicivirus

Have you ever heard of Feline Calicivirus? Known as FCV, this disease affects a cat's respiratory system and can be dangerous.

4 Addictive YouTube Channels for Cat Lovers

YouTube was made for cats! If you're looking to be entertained or want to learn more about kitties, subscribe to these four addictive YouTube Channels.

Why Do Cats Hiss?

We instinctively back away when we hear a cat hissing. But why do cats hiss and how should you react when your feline makes this sound?

Cats Run Japanese IT Offices Like The Bosses They Are

If you thought it was cool to have 'dog-friendly' offices, a small IT firm in Japan has one-upped that concept -- an office where nine cats live and roam.

5 Instagram Accounts Cat Lovers Should Follow

Who are you following on Instagram? If you want adorable and hilarious kitties to fill up your feed, start following these famous Instagram Cats.

Research Suggests Cats May Have Dominant Paw Based on Gender

New research suggests that not only do cats have a preference for their best paw forward, it's different depending on whether the cat is male or female.

5 Feline Skin Conditions You Should Know About

Have you noticed any changes in your cat's skin and coat? These five common skin conditions can signal health problems in your kitty.

Study: Cats Don’t Cause Mental Health Issues

According to research, a common parasite carried by cats and left in litter boxes isn't responsible for causing mental health issues in unborn children.

Fashion Icon Karl Lagerfeld Leaves Beloved Cat A Hefty Inheritance

While the fashion world mourns the passing of icon designer Karl Lagerfeld, friends wondered what would come of his beloved cat Choupette. No need to worry,…

Declawing Cats: A Cruel and Unnecessary Procedure

Is declawing cats a humane procedure, or should you just stick with regularly trimming your cat's claws, and providing scratching posts around the house?

What You Should Know About Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease

When it comes to Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease, a small problem can turn serious quickly. Here's what you need to know about this health risk.

Best Diet Cat Foods

Does your kitty need to lose some weight? If your cat is looking to slim down, check out our list of the best diet cat foods.�

Valerian for Cats: A Safe Alternative to Catnip

If your cat likes to get high (legally, of course) and catnip does nothing for him, there are alternatives. Try valerian for cats - it's safe and natural!

Product Review: Taco Meoow Cat Bed

Oscar asks his bestest kitty friends, Evey and Toto, to help him try out the Taco Meoow. Spicy and soft, this cat bed is a fiesta of fun!

Top 10 Long Haired Cat Breeds

These cats never have a bad hair day! Boasting downy soft and luxuriant locks, these long haired cat breeds are bushy balls of kitty goodness.

Giddy Up! Unlikely Friendship Has Cat at the Reins

It's no secret that horseback riding is a passion for many. But for a cat in Devon, England, it's just another way to hang with his best friend!

What Does It Mean When A Cat Wags Its Tail?

Happy? Angry? Upset? What's your kitty trying to tell you with his tail? You may be reading the signs all wrong. What does it mean when a cat wags its tail?

Here’s What You Should Know About Feline Pica

There's nothing wrong if your cat likes to chew on some grass, but if she's been eating some weird stuff, she may have Feline Pica.

Former Shelter Cat Has New Owner Climbing Up Cliffs!

Who needs a bucket list when your life is an adventure? One rock-climbing, former shelter cat proves that the furriest of creatures can live life large!

Best Cat Food for Urinary Health

Cat food for urinary health contains everything a feline needs to have a perfect urine pH value, and, in turn, a reduced chance of urinary tract issues.

Ding-Dong! Smalls Delivers Your Cat’s Delectable Dinner

When it comes to finding high-quality, biology-based products for cats, you could say the pet industry sort of acts like a cat has its tongue. At least that&…

Siberian Crazy Cat Farm Boasts a Million Feline Residents

Not sure what to get your crazy cat neighbor for the holidays? How about a trip to "Catland," a farm in Siberia that about million cats call home!

5 Cool Cat Facts You Didn’t Know

Amaze and stump your friends with strange cat-nerd trivia facts.Felines are definitely interesting creatures who always keep us guessing. And each cat has hi…

Win a Trip to Washington With Your Cat on National Cat Day

Mars Petcare wants to celebrate your cat this National Cat Day, and are sponsoring a contest that could put you and your kitty in Washington, D.C.!

A Short Guide to Feline Eye Care

Keep your eyes on your cat's eye care - if you notice any of these symptoms in your feline's peepers, take your kitty to the vet.

Give Your Furball A Curfew With Hi-Tech Pet Door

The primary function remains the same- keeping furry intruders out- but the improved smart door flap has a few cool new features that are worth the upgrade.

Help Celebrate National #FeralCatDay On October 16 With Jackson Galaxy

We can probably all agree on the importance of spaying and neutering our pets, but what about the ones that don’t have a home? October 16 is National F…

Say Cheese! Experts Say Your Cat Can Smile at You

If you're a cat owner, you've probably noticed your feline friend doing all sorts of cute and quirky things. From chasing their tail to “ making biscuits”, cats are full of surprises. But did you know that your cat can also smile at you?

Pussy Princess Celebrates Birthday With Cat Quinceanera

Why weren't we invited? A fabulous cat had an extravagant quinceanera to celebrate her 15th birthday, and the festivities have gone viral!

How to Bond With Your New Kitten

It's more than love at first sight. Start off your relationship purr-fectly by doing all the right things to bond with your kitten.

Top 10 Clever Cat Costumes

While it may be difficult to convince your kitty to get into one of these getups, you'll reap the rewards once they strut their stuff on Halloween.

It Took 5 Cats to Nail the Role of Church in New Pet Sematary Movie

The showbiz can be tough for actors, especially four-legged ones. But, that wasn't the case for the five fab felines that were cast for Pet Sematary movie.

What’s Wrong With Feeding Your Cat Kibble?

Is kibble enough for your kitty? To ensure that your cat is getting all the nutrition she needs, be sure to put the right ingredients in her dinner bowl.

Best Automatic Cat Feeders

Automatic cat feeders are heaven-sent for busy pet owners, picky pets, and cats that are on a special diet. These are the best 10 the market has to offer.

Cat Health: What Is Toxoplasmosis?

This problem isn't contained to the litter box. Toxoplasmosis can affect cats and humans - here's how to avoid infection.

Does Your Cat Groom You?

Cats are hardwired to keep themselves clean - that's why constantly grooming. But does your cat take an interest in your personal hygiene?

CBD Oil for Cats: A Holistic Option

The benefits of CBD oil go beyond just for humans. In fact, CBD oil for cats is a popular holistic option for a range of ailments.

Napping Grandpa Raised $30,000 for a Cat Sanctuary By Snoozing With Ki

If you were wondering what the term ’power (cat)nap’ means, let this feline-loving senior enlighten you. Earlier this month, a job ad went viral as…

Top 10 Friendliest Cat Breeds

Cats are lovable pets - just ask a cat lover! If you want a friend for life, check out our list of the top 10 friendliest cat breeds.

Persian Puss’s Amazing Transformation Will Make You Smile [Video]

Move over, Grumpy Cat! There's a new sour-looking puss in town... and his unbelievable transformation will make your heart happy!

Best Cat Chew Toys

Do you have a kitty that loves to chew? If� you need ideas to keep your feline's teeth busy, check out our list of the best cat chew toys.�

Study: Feline Hyperthyroidism May Linked To Carpet and Furniture Chemi

New research about the chemicals that are found in carpeting and certain upholsteries suggests that your cat’s thyroid may be in danger. Dr. Miaomiao…

What You Should Know About Heartworm in Cats

When the mosquitos wake up from their winter sleep, it signals the start of when you need to prepare for heartworm in cats.

How To Choose A Reputable Cat Breeder

Finding the right cat breeder takes time and research, but the effort is well worth it! Here are a few tips on finding a reputable cat breeder.

Could This Be the Secret to Why Cats Knock Stuff Over?

A feline researcher revealed the reason why cats have the strong urge to knock over your belongings- and it makes perfect sense.

Can’t Adopt Due to Sensitivity to Cat Allergens? No More Excuses.

There are so many people that adore cats but can’t adopt one because of their sensitivities to cat allergens.

Can Cats Eat Strawberries?

Who doesn't love strawberries? How about your kitty - can cats eat strawberries? Read on to find out.

Best Cat Treats

Cat treats are an excellent way to reward your four-legged friend for their good behavior- or just pamper them like they surely deserve.

This Charming Tabby Relieves People’s Flying Stress With Snuggles

At Calgary International Airport, no one is stressed because of delayed flights or long lines. And it's all thanks to a friendly tabby cat.

Turkish Woman Builds Ladder to Window For Cats To Come In From The Col

A Turkish dentist has opened her home to stray cats during the winter. She's built a ladder that leads to her window so they can come in and warm up.

How To Bond With Your New Senior Cat

Many things get better with age - including your cat! If you're thinking of adopting an senior cat, we've got a few tips that will help you bond.

Cat Steals the Show By Jumping on Owner’s Head During Live TV Interv

A charming ginger cat became an internet celebrity when she climbed on her owner's shoulder during his interview- live on national television.

Experts Reveal Why Cats Love Drinking From the Sink

There are a few reasons why cats might prefer water from the sink to one in the bowl, but the most likely cause lies in the way felines evolved.

How to Care for an Orphaned Kitten

When you find a kitten that's been abandoned, you instinctively want to care for it. Here's what you should do if you find a stray kitten.

Products That Help Keep Your Senior Cat Happy

Senior cats really don’t ask for much. You can keep them happy with the same essentials that kitties of all ages want and need: good food, fresh water, a clean litter box, beds, scratchers, and toys.

Crazy Cat Houses Let Your Kitty Be Indiana Jones

A Michigan couple created a fantabulous cat furniture company, combining their love for cats and movies with amazing designs so your kitty can feel famous.