Yoga and Cats: The Benefits of Asana With Kitties

While you're doing the downward dog pose, does your cat ever join you? Here's why you should let your kitty join you for yoga.

Max the Cat Does What He Wants and Keeps Sneaking Into Library

If you've wondered how to get librarians in a tizzy, you can ask Max the Cat. He's been sneaking into a local library and has staff throwing a hiss-y fit!

Hilarious Police Account Of Cat Stuck In Tree Goes Viral

If you've ever owned a cat, particularly one who has a penchant for climbing trees, the police account from a town in Maine will have you in stitches.

Are Cats Social Creatures?

Who says that kitties don't like the pleasure of our company? Cats do need companionship, even though they may not seem social.

Study: Cats’ Personalities May Be Mirrors Of Their Human Parents’

Pets are family, so it stands to reason our furry family members are a lot like us, right? A new study from the United Kingdom suggests that’s true for…

Best Cat Spinning Toys

There are a lot of innovative pet toys on the market to help you keep your cat active, happy, and healthy. Spinning toys are popular because they are a type of electronic toy that is so simple, yet cats love them. To help you find the right spinning toy for your feline companion, we’ve compiled some helpful tips below, along with a list of 10 toys that we think are worth checking out when you’re ready to shop.

To Your Cat, You’re Just Another Cat

You're more than your cat's best friend - you're another cat! Here's what research has to say about the relationships and humans.

What Is Feline Group Scent?

Your kitty's nose knows... especially when there are other cats around. If you've got more than one cat, you'll want to know all about feline group scent.

Crafting With Cat Fur? Yeah, It’s a Thing.

Looking for a hobby that will intrigue and weird-out your non-feline friends? You need to learn how to craft with cat fur!

It’s National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week and the Drinks Are On!

There's a national day/week/month for everything these days, but we have to say we've found one of our favorites: National Drink Wine With Your Cat Week!

Best Cat Collars

Cat collars are not just a stylish accessory for your pet- they can signal that your pet is not a stray and can provide contact information.

Shahs Of Sunset Feline Parody Is The Cat’s Meow [Video]

Our favorite Persian (Americans) are back, and the trailer for their sixth season is one that shows how the fur will fly...literally.

PetGuide’s Best New Cat Product of 2018: Petronics Mousr

As a durable, entertaining toy that is designed to impress felines and their parents alike, The Petronics Mousr definitely deserved to win this award.

Ready to Foster Cats? Here’s Some Advice From a Pro

If you're ready to take the plunge and become a foster kitty mom, these amazing tips from a seasoned pro will help you out.

Best Electronic Cat Toys

Too busy to play with your cat? Not to worry - these electronic cat toys keep your feline happy and entertain while you're not around.�

A Rescuer’s Advice on TNR, Fostering, and Adoption

The idea of cat rescue appeals to you, but there's so much to do - how can you help? We talk to an expert who spends all her time helping kitties in need.

Pumpkin for Cats – How and When to Use It

Full of fiber, pumpkin can be a great dietary supplement for your pets. Here's what you need to know about pumpkin for cats.

Crazy Couple’s “Natural” Cat Birth Announcement is Weird and Won

Tired of new-baby posts that clutter up your social media feeds? Bet you've never seen newborn pics like these, thanks to this hilarious Colorado couple!

Vomiting in Cats: When to Worry

Yes, it's a gross topic, but it's an important one to talk about. Let's go over vomiting in cats and when you should be worried.

Frozen Cat Revived and Lucky To Live Eight Remaining Lives

A very lucky kitty has turned in one of its nine lives after being frozen, rescued and brought back to life and warmth thanks to the care of an animal hospit…

How to Keep Your Indoor Cat Fit and Healthy

Most experts agree that living exclusively indoors is the best option for any cat. There are simply too many dangers lurking around when they get to roam freely…

What Makes a Great Cat Tree?

No household is complete without a cat tree. This isn't just a toy - a great cat tree offers you cat a place to perch, a place to hide, and a place to play!

Flea Medications for Your Cat: Ingredients to Avoid

Keeping fleas of your cat is vital - but should you be using flea medications? Before you make a decision, keep these factors in mind.

Top 10 Largest Domestic Cat Breeds

Bigger is better... when it comes to cats, that is. If you want a big kitty, check out our list of top 10 largest domestic cat breeds.

The Cone May Be the Most Beautiful Scratching Post You’ve Seen

The Cone lets your cat scratch beautifully -- it's a new modern scratching post and nap space that you'll love as much as your cat does.

Study Gives Cat Owners Scientific Proof That Their Pets Are Ignoring T

A new study by Japanese reseasrchers confirms what many other suspected: cats understand us perfectly fine, they just don't care to show it.

Two-Faced ‘Janus Cat’ Shown Mewing From Both Mouths [Video]

A cat with two faces, known as a Janus cat, was born in Chongqing, China - watch the video meowing from both of its mouths.

Our Picks of the Best Heated Cat Beds

Is your kitty looking for a warm, comfy place to curl up? You're in luck - we've rounded up our picks of the best heated cat beds.�

Reykjavik’s First Cat Cafe Is Coming This Christmas

For Icelanders who love felines, Christmas can't come soon enough! Just in time for the holiday season, Reykjavik is getting its first cat café.

How to Keep Your Cat Calm at Night

Felines are nocturnal, using the dark to explore. But you need a good night's sleep, which doesn't include your cat's midnight adventures.

Things To Consider Before Feeding Your Cat Fish

Something smells fishy! A few reasons to think twice before feeding your cat fish Even though your cat may go crazy at the mere smell of fish and beg you to…

Common Symptoms and Treatments of Feline Arthritis

The onset of feline arthritis as your cat ages is a health concern pet parents need to watch for. Know what the symptoms are what treatments are available.

Best Water Fountains for Cats

Cats can be very picky about their habits- but any of these bestselling water fountains for cats will entice them into drinking more water.

The Cat Daddy’s Petmate Cat Toys Are Out of This World

It's no secret we love us some Jackson Galaxy - our favorite cat daddy! Look what cool cat stuff he brought with him to SuperZoo 2017.

How Much Does Your Cat Remember?

Just like elephants, it turns out that cats have a good memory. According to research, cats remember a lot more than we thought they could.

Top 10 Meowy Catmas Gifts for Cats and Feline Fans

Feline Navidad! Got a kitty or a cat person on your holiday shopping list? Wrap up one of these meowy catmas gifts for cats and the people who love them.

Cat Owners Who Feed Their Pets Vegan Diet Could Face Fines or Jail Tim

While there might be good intentions behind a vegan dietary switch, imposing a meat-free diet on a cat is an act of animal cruelty, the UK charity warns.

Kitties and Purrsonality: Study Shows Cats Inherit Behavioral Traits F

The study revealed that not only that different breeds of cats have different behaviors, but also that those traits are highly heritable.

UK Parliament Seeks Pussies to Help Get Rid of Rodents

When the cat's away, the mice shall play. Seems true in the UK, where members of parliament are begging for cats to take care of a mouse infestation.

8-Foot Cat Ice Sculpture Warms Our Frosty Hearts

When you're buried under snow, how do starve off cabin fever? Why, build an eight-foot-tall ice cat, of course!

Cat-Tastic Memo Pads Gets Two Paws Up

These adorable cat-inspired memo pads double as sticky notes and coloring pages. Now those boring work meeting don't seem that bad!

The Claws Come Out For These Cool Cat Cribs

A seamless décor that melds style and practicality - it's now possible for cat lovers! Modern design gets a kitty makeover with feline-friendly furniture.

Cat Bag Carrier Doubles as ‘Snuggie’ For Cats

It's been said that letting the cat out of the bag isn't a good thing, but a kitty carrier that's like a Snuggie might have your puss saying otherwise!

Video of Blind Cat Hugging Phone While Music Plays Hits All the Right

A blind cat appreciating beautiful music in a way that most humans do not is about the sweetest thing you'll see and hear today, we guarantee.

6 Super Serious Reasons Why Black Cats Are Awesome

It's Black Cat Appreciation Day! They should be celebrated all year long - here's our list of 6 super serious reasons why black cats are awesome.

5 Things Being a Cat Person Reveals About You

Do you identify as a cat person? Well, you aren’t alone!

Cat Incredible Kitty Litter Helps Fund Mobile Spay & Neuter Clini

This one's for all our feline friends, from Lucy Pet Products. Cats Incredible gets rid of odor and ammonia and helps fund a mobile spay and neuter clinic.

Kitten Cuddlers Needed – Dream Job for Feline Lovers

In addition to being a noble act, this could also be a chance for people in need to unwind and relax as well. For those who have been feeling stressed and depressed lately, cuddling with kittens could be a very potent remedy.

Diatomaceous Earth for Cats: A Natural Flea Treatment

If you prefer to go au natural when it comes to flea treatments, you may want to consider using diatomaceous earth for cats.

Ups and Downs: Understanding Feline Diabetes

Did you know that there are two types of diabetes that cats can suffer from? Watch for these symptoms of feline diabetes and how to treat this disease.

How Do Cats Show Affection?

Have you ever thought: "How do cats show affection?" As it turns out - plenty! Here's how to pick up on all the affection your kitty is throwing down!

Man Builds Amazing Cat Creations From Cardboard

There are few lengths most pet owners would go to in order to make their pets. One man hits that out of the park with creative cat houses made of cardboard.

5 Ways To Go Green With Your Cat

Purrr-fect ways you and your cat can be eco-friendly You recycle, buy organic, and use eco-friendly green products for yourself, so why not make similar choi…

Cat Couture: How Designers Are Grabbing Feline Fashion by the Pussy

Feline fashion designers are pouncing down the catwalk with chic ensembles. And you'd be surprised how many cat fanciers love the trends.

What Is The Best Cat Litter For Your Kitty?

There are many kinds of kitty litter on the market. To pick the best cat litter for you and your kitty, you need to know the different types out there.

Best Hairball Remedies

Hairball remedies help your cat pass hairballs without the discomfort of coughing and vomiting or danger of intestinal blockage.

In NYC, Feral Felines Get A Second Chance at Life as "Working Cats"

Instead of giving up on feral cats that cant be socialized as family pets, New Yorkers are giving them jobs- saving hundreds of feline lives.

Why Is My Cat Sneezing?

Break out the tissues! Does your feline have the sniffles and the sneezes? Find out if your cat sneezing problem is no big deal or a big problem.

How to Introduce Your Cat to a New Dog

Fighting like cats and dogs - an old cliché that doesn't have to hold true. Here's how cats and dogs can become the best of friends.

PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box

What if there was a product that took over the duty of picking up after your cat? Let the PetSafe ScoopFree Self-Cleaning Cat Litter Box do all the work for you.